Tuesday, 4 December 2012


Copyright - the exclusive legal right given to an originator or an assignee to print, publish, perform film, or record literary, artistic, or music material and to authorise others to do the same.

Intellectual property is essentially work. Even if it is not a physical object, it is a person's property; unless they sell it. The entire purpose of copyright it to protect intellectual property. Without copyright, journalism as an industry could not exist.

Undeveloped ideas, however, are not protected by copyright statutes. This also includes brief slogans and catchphrases.

Fair dealing allows some media outlets to lift journalistic material IF;
  • It tells the news and is intrinsic
  • It is not passed off as your own
  • The usage is fair
  • The material is in the public interest
Copyright is criminal conspiracy, it is not a civil case.

Material taken from the Internet is still subject to copyright and you can not fair deal photographs.

1 comment:

  1. So many people yank those photos for blogs and everything else...its unreal.
