Tuesday 4 February 2014

Reasons why The Wolf of Wall Street is one of the best films ever

Based on the true story of wealthy and borderline insane stockbroker Jordan Belfort, this film has an amazing storyline and is incredibly well produced. It has easily made it's way into my top five films of all time.... and this is why.

1. Because it produces tweets like this

2. The actors ACTUALLY snorted powder in the cocaine taking scenes. Even it was just crushed vitamin B tablets...

3. One of the drug scene took 70 takes, just to get ham to stick to Leo's face. They eventually managed to do this by using lube. Dedication to the cause.

4. It combines the talent of all these amazing people.

5. The actual Jordan Belfort coached Leonardo DiCaprio on how to play a crazy, drug-fuelled, sex crazed maniac. Good job Jordan, good job.

6. In the film's opening weekend weekend, it took over 18 million dollars.

7. It has all the elements of classic Scorsese films... 




and of course, drugs. Lots and lots of drugs.

8. Despite only have being released for under two months, The Wolf of Wall Street has already won 17 awards and been nominated for another 53... including five oscars.

9. One of the scenes in the film had to be toned down in order to receive the certificate 18. That's right. Can you imagine what it must have been before hand?

10. The on screen chemistry between Leonardo DiCaprio and Jonah Hill is unreal.

11. Any film with this quote in the trailer has to be a pretty, pretty intense film.

"My name is Jordan Belfort. The year I turned 26, I made 49 million dollars, which really pissed me off because it was three shy of a million a week."

12. And finally, because even if you don't like the storyline, you can look at one of the most beautiful women in the world for almost three hours.

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